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Mitchell Brooks;

of the rollinsford police department, has a reputation of inappropriate behavior.

when interacting on a personal and intimate level with women he behaves in a




&+ malicious manner.

if you know something, say something. speak out. speak up. you are not alone.




THE ARRESTING OFFICER OF Sarah Warren Letendre - (a little back story)...

"Both the Rollinsford and Dover police departments are undertaking internal investigations following a domestic violence call last week that resulted in the arrest of an off-duty police officer’s wife.

On July 10, Rollinsford police arrested Sarah Letendre after her husband, a police officer in Dover, called 911 alleging she had assaulted him inside their family home. She has since been charged with domestic violence simple assault. 

Supporters of Sarah Letendre, however, claim her husband, a former mixed martial arts fighter, engaged in a pattern of abuse against his wife in recent months. Hospital discharge papers provided to NHPR by Letendre's family show that she sustained multiple rib fractures during the altercation."

- nhpr: Domestic Violence Call Results in Arrest of Officer's Wife; Family Claims He Is the Abuser

posted jul 16, 2020

Dover city manager states confidence in police chief’s probe of officer accused of domestic violence

Posted Jul 17, 2020 at 12:39 PM

Wife files abuse complaint against Dover officer

Posted Jul 16, 2020 at 9:42 PM

Charges against Dover officer’s wife disputed 

Posted Jul 14, 2020 at 9:23 PM

news break via seacoast online:
Charges against Dover officer’s wife disputed


The following messages, stories, and images are provided by victims & survivors of Mitchell Brooks depicting their interactions with him.

For the safety of the survivors, their identities will remain anonymous.

if you know something, say something. speak out. speak up. you are not alone.

a message from a victim &+ survivor:

“LADIES, if this man ever pulls you over in Rollinsford, ASK FOR A SUPERVISOR.

SO many girls have been coming forward regarding Mitchell Brooks, about how he pulls them over for absolutely no reason, whether it’s “just to talk”, or to take down their information, among other extremely DISTURBING allegations... and that’s just the tip of the iceberg...

There is SO. MUCH. MORE.

I came forward on May 26th, 2020 after 2.5 years about an incident involving this man... My case was closed as soon as it reached York County DA’s office... but I will NOT stop fighting for women who have been manipulated by this man. Because there ARE more girls out there. And he WILL do it again.


he is being blasted for arresting Sarah Letendre, a domestic violence victim and wife of R.J. Letendre, a Dover police officer and MMA fighter, after he broke 4 of her ribs. She scratched him in an attempt to escape, and Mitchell Brooks arrested HER in Rollinsford for domestic violence.

What kind of man arrests a battered woman clearly in distress, with 4 BROKEN RIBS? A predator, who gets off on women having no control. A predator, who after having allegations of sexual abuse, WAS ALLOWED TO GET HIS JOB OF “PROTECTING & SERVING” BACK.

SO, let’s bring Mitchell Brooks to the spotlight as well... justice needs to be served.

For Sarah, for me, and for other girls whose lives have been impacted by both officers involved.


It isn’t just me anymore. I’m not the only victim of this man. And I am not afraid of the long haul...There are more girls. I said it from the beginning, and I’ll say it forever. Protect us women, like you protect your own, brotherhood."

The following story is an account of this victim &+ survivor's experience with  Mitchell Brooks... WARNING. This is a very raw and real story, be warned, but continue reading... 


"In 2017, I met Mitchell Brooks on Tinder.

I noticed strange behavior right off the bat. A day into us chatting on tinder, he would badger me about if I was talking to other guys and that I should tell him now before he wasted his time… I told him no, but obviously I was on tinder, and I wasn’t just focused on him.

He would BEG me for pictures, literally guilt me into taking nudes for him, and made me super uncomfortable, but because I was naive and didn’t understand red flags, I sent him a few.

He would also talk about having sex with guns on the bed, and his strange fantasies regarding guns. Of course, I should have ran for the hills right then and there but I thought maybe this guy is just strange and brushed it off...

Like I said, I was fresh out of a break up and super naive. And he was EXTREMELY manipulative.


Turns out, that first week we were talking, he would disappear for HOURS during the day, and at the end of that first week he told me the reason why was because he was in the police academy and did not want me to “use him for his badge”. I told him no, that wasn’t my intentions and that I didn’t know why he’d hide that from me. 


That Friday, he graduated from the academy and started his first job as a police officer in Rochester NH.

Fast forward to the following week, Thursday, December 21st, 2017 (My mom’s birthday)... Mitchell and I decided we were going to finally go out to dinner in downtown Portsmouth. So, since it was my mom’s birthday, of course, we had a huge birthday dinner at my house, but I told them I was not going to eat because Mitchell and I were going to dinner in Portsmouth. 


That night, a huge snowstorm was supposed to hit the seacoast and so I brought a bag with me with clothes, in case we hit it off at dinner and would get snowed in.. I figured it might be a cute first date. I was so wrong.

I met him at the parking lot next to citizens bank in Portsmouth. I gave him a call because I wasn’t sure which car was his.. when he answered the phone, his voice was quiet and super high pitched.. I remember feeling a little nervous, but brushing it off. 


Once I got into his car,

I was pretty nervous but excited for what the night could bring, THIS WAS MY FIRST EVER TINDER DATE, and I was excited to finally eat dinner. And I told him that, saying I was excited. Well, I got no response. I didn’t get a hi, how are you, or anything. He was absolutely silent. He began to drive towards downtown, and I start wondering what he has in mind for dinner. Once again, I am talking and getting no response. I notice he begins to take me across the bridge into Kittery, and I remember thinking to myself “is he taking me somewhere in the Kittery Foreside for dinner?” … the silence continues. FINALLY I find a way to break that silence, I said “now that you’re a cop, aren’t you afraid of seeing a dead body?” That somehow broke the ice. He starts talking about how he has seen a lot of dead bodies from working for the Wentworth Douglas morgue.. I thought, such a strange thing to actually want to talk about.. and started getting even stronger weird vibes. And now thinking, my car is a completely different state, and we are next to a river with some of the strongest currents in the world… what if something happens to me.


He finally pulls into a parking lot in the Kittery Foreside. No restaurants are open, and this parking lot went to no businesses, I could tell it was a place to park cars if you lived in the area. He then takes my bag and purse with everything in it (phone, keys, wallet), and proceeds to take off with everything, walking 15 ft. Ahead of me, leaving me to trail behind him like a lost puppy. He stripped me of all my control when he took those items from me. He walked into the apartment and shut the door… by that time, I was still crossing the street. 


I walk into the apartment, and notice there are guns everywhere. It’s a studio, and he has an AR on every surface. It was just plain old threatening.

I tell him I want to look around and get a feel for my surroundings, and see where my exits are. Finally, he lays on the bed and tells me to make myself comfortable. By now, I am just so uncomfortable and feel completely controlled because of all the guns around.

Well, he decides to get on top of me and begins taking his shirt off. He has me pretty much pinned to the bed.

I notice that he has his gun and his badge shoved into his pants, in his waistband resting against his pelvis... and he’s wearing this tactical belt, and he tells me to take it off in a forceful way. I say no, i can't take that belt off. He gets mad. He begins to pull the gun and the badge out of his pants, sets the badge on the nightstand yet sets the gun on the bed so that it is almost touching my hip. He begins to strip down and I notice he has no underwear on.

I told him to move the gun.. and he once again, got mad at me and told me he thought I was cool with guns? I said no, I am not okay with a loaded firearm resting up against my body on a bed. So, he put the gun on the nightstand.. I was so scared. 


Next, he goes to take my shirt off and I remember telling myself to not let him take anything else off of my body besides a shirt. I kept my bra and pants on. And stopped him when he tried to go any further with taking my clothes off... He proceeds to pin me back onto the bed.. violating my breasts, kissing my neck, trying to kiss my mouth,

and I just remember staring up at the white Christmas lights above his bed thinking, I’m about to be raped on my mom’s birthday. 


He finally lays down on the bed and gestures for me to go down on him. I said “I just met you 20 minutes ago.” He looked me dead in the eye and told me he didn’t care. He forced me to go down on him, and because there was a gun within inches from my head and his hand, I didn’t feel as though I had a choice. Telling him I just met him, and that showing him that I was obviously uncomfortable meant NO. The entire time this was happening, I was so scared of the fact that he could blow my brains out at any second.

I was truly anticipating the feeling of a gun against my head. I was imagining myself being killed, thrown in the Piscataqua River, and my parents never being able to find me again. Eventually I blacked out. 


This went on for about 10-15 minutes. My mouth began to get super dry, and I asked to have a glass of water. In the most demeaning way possible, he told me I was capable of getting up and getting water. I finally said NOPE I DO NOT LIVE HERE, GO GET ME WATER.

He got pissed, got up, and got a glass of water. He laid back down and made me continue. Eventually he claimed he “got a text” that he had to go into Rochester PD for the snowstorm.

I have never shot up off a bed so fast in my entire life. I got up, threw my shirt on, put my jacket on and waited at the door.

When I turned around to look at him on the bed, he was still laying there completely naked, watching me like I was a piece of meat. This is when things took a weird turn… He lifts his legs high in the air, and shows me his asshole, and held them up there for what felt like eternity, and then he hoisted himself up off the bed.

I remember sheer panic and anxiety thinking, this guy is bizarre and scary and that was NOT okay. None of this was okay. Before I knew it, he got dressed, grabbed my bags before I could even reach down to pick them up, and stormed out the door, once again walking FAR ahead of me. 


When we got into the car, we drove in silence. He told me that when he talks, it gets him into trouble. He also out of the blue talked about how he dreamed of being a private investigator, because he would love to be paid to stalk people for a living.

I just remember being silent and freaked out. When he dropped me back off at my car, I said see you never, and slammed the door. Ran to my car and locked the doors as soon as I got in. On my way home, I got a text from Mitchell telling me that he needed someone “more down to earth” and that I needed to delete everything between us. (And like an idiot, because I was mad, I did just that.) .. I have harbored regret for so long about deleting everything. It would’ve been everything I could’ve used to prove that this happened to me. But all I have is my memory of that night, that I have relieved everyday since.

Not a day goes by where I don’t get a stomachache thinking about what he did to me. It’s as though it happened just last night. 


I came forward 2.5 years later on May 26th, 2020. When they brought him in for an interview, he denied everything. He denied ever knowing me, he denied that night, everything.

Eventually, they cracked him open and he backtracked his entire story. He lied to the cops. And even the Kittery lieutenant said to me, he would never have this guy on his department. He was extremely deceitful and strange.

My case was brought the district attorney’s office, and due to insufficient evidence, it was thrown out.

And he is still allowed to be a police officer.


These photos are from another girl, who consented to them being shared.



images of a victim &+ survivor's conversation with mitchell brooks.

No means no."

a coworker of a victim &+ survivor

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screenshots of a victim &+ survivor's direct messages sent by mitchell brooks on instagram in a persistant attempt to get her to hang out with him.

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screenshots of a victim &+ survivor's conversation with mitchell brooks on instagram .
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Justice for Sara Letendre.   

the DOVER &+ ROLLINSFORD  Police Department

"Both the Rollinsford and Dover police departments are undertaking internal investigations following a domestic violence call last week that resulted in the arrest of an off-duty police officer’s wife.

On July 10, Rollinsford police arrested Sarah Letendre after her husband, a police officer in Dover, called 911 alleging she had assaulted him inside their family home. She has since been charged with domestic violence simple assault. 

Supporters of Sarah Letendre, however, claim her husband, a former mixed martial arts fighter, engaged in a pattern of abuse against his wife in recent months. Hospital discharge papers provided to NHPR by Letendre's family show that she sustained multiple rib fractures during the altercation."

nhpr: Domestic Violence Call Results in Arrest of Officer's Wife; Family Claims He Is the Abuser

posted jul 16, 2020

Dover city manager states confidence in police chief’s probe of officer accused of domestic violence

Posted Jul 17, 2020 at 12:39 PM

Wife files abuse complaint against Dover officer

Posted Jul 16, 2020 at 9:42 PM

Charges against Dover officer’s wife disputed 

Posted Jul 14, 2020 at 9:23 PM

news break via seacoast online:
Charges against Dover officer’s wife disputed
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