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is a donation based marketplace focused on continued awareness and support for the Black community.

How do we take a NEGATIVE

& turn it into a POSITIVE? 


“A black market, underground economy or shadow economy, is a clandestine market or series of transactions that has some aspect of illegality or is characterized by some form of noncompliant behavior with an institutional set of rules.” 

The goal of blkmrktproject is to

break the institutional set of rules that

are the foundation of systemic racism.

blkmrktproject is a donation based marketplace with

100% of all proceeds going towards Black organizations and communities.  

All items on blkmrktproject are donated directly from their creators.

can't support financially?
tell your friends about blkmrktproject
share it on your social media
&+ keep on fighting the current system!

**from @blkmrktproject's instagram...      

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Our friend @iamrickroller set up a candle factory and poured through 50lbs of wax while I had poured another 50lbs.


@sheric0la made the stickers and took this pictures!

There’s a lot of love involved in this and that just goes to show you the power of the people. Shoutout to y’all 🖤 These will be available for a $10 donation minimum anything more is greatly appreciated. All proceeds benefit black communities and building a better future... We will be donating to a different organization bi-weekly. This is an ongoing effort! If you’d like to be apart of it please reach out. 🖤

These candles are the result of a community of individuals that want to see a brighter future.




To the businesses donating large crates of jars (huge shoutout to:

@fireonforestreet & @beachboys207) &+ the people cleaning candles and setting wicks. A big thank you.

  • Instagram link for @sus.hub
  • Twitter for susrus
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© 2020 by sus hub

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