Portsmouth, NH PD Special Police Commission Meeting: "Providing Citizen Oversight Of Your Police Department."
Tue, Jul 14
|Zoom: Register in advance for approval.
Hosted by Portsmouth, NH Police Department via Zoom call. To participate you must register and be approved in advance. More information on how to participate is in the about section of this event.

when &+ where
Jul 14, 2020, 6:00 PM
Zoom: Register in advance for approval.
if you want to participate register for the zoom call by clicking here!
if you want to view the document with resources provided by the Portsmouth Police Department in preparation for this public forum, click this bit of text right here!
From Portsmouth New Hampshire Police Department (07/06/2020 via Facebook):
Save the Date
The Portsmouth Police Commission welcomes members of the community to join in a public forum via Zoom on July 14th, 2020 at 6pm EST. This is a place for you to voice comments and concerns and offers a platform for you to get your questions answered. You can join via phone or join via video, just raise your hand if you wish to speak. Feedback and input from our community is what helps us learn and grow together.
The following resources are available on the Police Department website:
Role & Duties of the Police Commission: https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/police/police-commission
PPD Organizational Chart: https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/police/organization-chart
2018 Community Survey of the PD: https://www.cityofportsmouth.com/police/2018-public-survey-police-department
2021-2025 Strategic Plan: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s6ThawL8itqzJzcdu-xC_EnGZC24Ubsn/view
2019 Response to Resistance (Use of Force) Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/17AamkLBad8JQVeV8-pkk3wOlJjJ5jzu2/view
2019 Biased Based Profiling Report: https://drive.google.com/file/d/13MxOwOGrUGnCLlNHLx-dWDlE9DFQlHqp/view
2019 Body Worn Cameras Report: http://files.cityofportsmouth.com/police/Bodycamfinal.pdf
2019 Body Worn Cameras Cummunity Radio Discussions: Pros & Cons... Why the Sub-Committee Opposed Adoption:cameras: http://files.cityofportsmouth.com/files/police/BodyCamPros.mp3
Minority Position Wanting Camera Adoption: http://files.cityofportsmouth.com/files/police/BodyCamCons.mp3
Resources on Policy Reform... NHBR Article: Policy proposals target police racism, violence: https://www.nhbr.com/policy-proposals-target-police-racism-violence/
8 Can't Wait Website: https://8cantwait.org/
US DOJ - Understanding Community Policing: https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/commp.pdf
We hope you can make it. Please share!"